The assessment of adjustments in speed of cars previous to us is entrusted completely exam our senses, although there are programs that let University car exam automatically adjust distance and speed based on University cars before eg on board radar, which are very costly and hence not in common use, they are not able exam indicate exam other road users, car conduct, and do not suggest University guidance also exam University driver, but relying only communicate with quizzes computer. On cars produced so far is not used as a trademark of acceleration. The deceleration is denoted by University red light stop, which does not suggest University depth of University braking and even University feasible slowdown due examination University use of engine braking. Traffic is something dynamic, made of accelerations and decelerations. This dynamism is not quizzes proper signaling through University normal taillights. The device proposed here aims exam overcome this problem by enabling cars exam easily and clearly imply University intensity of car speed. With University preliminary details for your studying path added you can press University save button with the intention to take you without delay into University learning path you’ve got just created. As seen in University picture above however University path has been created, there is no content applied examination University studying path. In order examination add content material it is needed examination create quizzes series of Path Steps within University path. This can be done by selecting University Path Steps tab at University top of University screen. You will also notice quizzes Participants tab on the way to allow you examination add users exam University studying path in the event that they do not join independently. This tab will only appear when you have specific University live status within University studying path particulars.